SaxoCell Stammtisch

Dresden & Leipzig, Germany , Deutschland

Dresden: CRTD patio Leipzig: beer garden (Bayrischer Bahnhof)

SaxoCell Stammtisch

Dresden & Leipzig, Germany , Deutschland

Dresden: Braugasthaus Zapfanstalt (starting at 6 PM) Leipzig: Brauereilokal Hopfenspeicher (starting at 4 PM)

Think Tank Nano2030


Meeting of the German Platform 'NanoBioMedicine'

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Project Management Invited experts: - Carolin Bauder, M.Sc., Program Manager, Vodafone Chair for Mobile Communications Systems, Technische Universität Dresden - Dr. Susanne Hintschich, Scientific Advisor, Electronic and Microsystems, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH - Dr. Julia Osten, Business Research Manager, Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems […]

Of Genes and Human Beings Who Are We, and Who Might We Become?

Dresden, Germany

Location: Deutsches Hygienemuseum Dresden Guests: Nina Alexander Frank Buchholz Toni Heitkam Anna Hundsdörfer Wieland Huttner Min Ae Lee-Kirsch Martin Päckert Evelin Schröck Michael Sieweke Doreen William Hosts: Dr. Uta Bilow and Prof. Dr. Clemens Kirschbaum (TUD)

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Postdoc and graduate programs (Master/PhD/Postdocs) Invited experts: - Dr.-Ing. Anna Martius, Managing Director, Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group, Technische Universität Dresden - Dr.-Ing. Shikha Ranjha, Scientific Coordinator, Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS) - Dr. Katharina Ulbrich, Systemic Coach and Mediator, Graduate Academy, Technische Universität Dresden Location: […]

SaxoCell spark meeting on animal models


Animal model task force Agenda: Introduction and chair by Dr. Thomas Grunwald, Fraunhofer IZI Leipzig "Mouse models for the preclinical validation of immune therapies" Dr. André-René Blaudszun, Fraunhofer IZI Leipzig "Absence and/or induction of GvHD in mouse models" Thursday, 11th May 2023, 1 – 3 PM via Zoom: Meeting-ID: 613 2699 1429 Kenncode: 77pD+8rg

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Advisor/ Special consultant Invited experts: - Dr. Reingard Jäger, Acting Advisor to the Rector, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (University of Applied Sciences) - Dr. Claudia Müller, Advisor to the Vice-Rector University Culture, Technische Universität Dresden - Dr. Ann-Kathrin Schatz, Head Board Office, Helmholtz-Zentrum […]

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Diversity Invited experts: - Dr. Sylvi Bianchin, Referee Diversity Management, Directorate 9 University Culture, Unit 9.3 Diversity Management, Technische Universität Dresden - Dr. Katrin Daniel, Experimental Projects Coordinator, Equal Opportunities Officer, Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB), Technische Universität Dresden - Dr. Ina Partzsch, […]

SaxoCell Potluck

Dresden, Germany

Casual get-together of our SaxoCell community Location: CRTD

Online meeting with PTJ (for applicants in phase 2)


The meeting will be focusing on questions regarding the financial part of the application. PTJ will answer our questions. --- Meeting-ID: 672 9247 4280 Kenncode: #8=^Ra0k

Tagesspiegel Fachforum Gesundheitswirtschaft


Topic: Land, Bund, Leuchtturm: Wie gelingt der Umschwung in der Gesundheitswirtschaft? Location: Verlagshaus am Askanischen Platz in Berlin or live stream Registration required!

Dornburg Cancer Talks

Forum for young scientists in the field of oncology Dornburg Cancer Talks is a joint scientific meeting of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Central Germany and the Institute of Molecular Cell Biology addressing doctoral fellows and early postdocs from the field of oncology to present their projects in oral communications or as posters. Discussions with other […]