Schutz von Innovationen in einer sich schnell wandelnden Welt

Dresden, Germany

Host: Patentinformationszentrum (PIZ) Dresden (TUD|excite) Location: Open Science Lab 2, SLUB, Zellescher Weg 25, 01217 Dresden, 1. Etage Agenda: 13:00 - 13:15 Uhr: Begrüßungswort 13:15 - 14:00 Uhr: IP-Strategie im […]

Retreat 2024

Chemnitz, Germany

Location: Congress Hotel Chemnitz Deadline for registration: 21 May 2024

Cross clustering event with Proxidrugs

Erfurt, Germany

Strategic exchange with Clusters4Future Proxidrugs on innovative therapies for human diseases: Targeted degradation as a new mode of action for drugs Participants: SaxoCell speakers and Hub representatives

8. Life Science Forum

Leipzig, Germany

Location: Bio City Leipzig This year's topic is precision medicine, with current developments, strategic approaches and visions presented and insights into existing Saxon expertise provided.