A Practical Introduction to NGS Data Analysis
OnlineHost: ecSeq GmbH
Host: ecSeq GmbH
Location: Medizinisch-Theoretisches Zentrum – MTZ (Haus 91), Fiedlerstraße 42, 01307 Dresden Registration required!
Online event Organiser: TUD Patent Information Centre
Hosted by Dresden’s Biopolis early career programs under the umbrella of the Dresden School of Clinical Science (DSCS) Speaker: tba MITS (H92), Seminar room
Förderungen bieten viele Möglichkeiten für Start-ups, sind aber häufig herausfordernd. Darum beschäftigen wir uns in diesem Seminar mit diesen Fragen: Was muss man beachten? Wie sucht man möglichst effizient? Welche aktuellen Förderungen gibt es? Referent: Christopher Hilgert, Agonius Fördermittelberatung Password: ap
Online course by Dr. Andrea Kliewer Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology Jena University Hospital Course duration: 1.5 days max. 14 participants
Lecturer: Merck Join the meeting: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWYzNTUyZDYtNzQxOC00Zjc0LWFkZTAtZjhlOGQzOWZhMDA2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22db76fb59-a377-4120-bc54-59dead7d39c9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a034cd23-fcc2-4383-b8c3-a261d826c7da%22%7d
Be creative – shine at a pitch – pitch-training – start a startup A SaxoCell event series to get your ideas on track Host: Yvonne Horn (Qilmo) Location: Impact Hub Hbf, Bayrische Straße 8
Leipzig Immune ONcology Conference Deadline for abstract submission: 12 June 2023
Topic: How can cluster organisations as an economic policy instrument strengthen resilience and actively shape the transformation in Saxony? In addition to expert presentations on current good practice examples of cluster promotion in Saxony, the event intends to promote cross-cluster cooperation and provide space for networking and knowledge as well as technology transfer within the […]
Online event Organiser: TUD Patent Information Centre
Turning Research into Health An Ecosystem for Innovations in Cell and Gene Therapy
Online course by Dr. Andrea Kliewer Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology Jena University Hospital Course duration: 2 x 0.5 days (Nov 10 + 13) max. 10 participants
Online course by Dr. Andrea Kliewer Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology Jena University Hospital Course duration: 2 x 0.5 days (Nov 10 + 13) max. 10 participants
Be creative – shine at a pitch – pitch-training – start a startup A SaxoCell event series to get your ideas on track Host: Konrad Sell Online
Host: ecSeq
Online event Organiser: TUD Patent Information Center
Hosted by Dresden’s Biopolis early career programs under the umbrella of the Dresden School of Clinical Science (DSCS) Speaker: tba MITS (H92), Seminar room
Unternehmerische Chancen für Neugründungen und etablierte Unternehmen erkennen. Im Webinar werden die Grundlagen für Entwicklungen neuer ökologischer/sozialer Geschäftsmodelle gezeigt - weil Nachhaltigkeit mehr ist als eine gesellschaftliche Anforderung oder eine philanthropische Erwägung. Referent: Prof. Dr. Klaus-Michael Ahrend, HEAG Holding AG Password: ap
Be creative – shine at a pitch – pitch-training – start a startup A SaxoCell event series to get your ideas on track Host: Markus Schmittberger Location: NCT, Haus 136, 3. OG, Fiedlerstr. 23 -> moved to online (Zoom)
Location: CRTD auditorium (right)
Be creative – shine at a pitch – pitch-training – start a startup A SaxoCell event series to get your ideas on track Host: Dorit Teilchmann (SaxoCell & Dresden|exists) Location: Impact Hub Hbf, Bayrische Straße 8
Host: ecSeq
Host: biosaxony academy & Valicare GmbH Location: BioInnovationsZentrum Dresden
Manufacturing and Translation of ATMPs and Tissue- & Cell-based products Venue: Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB), Potsdam Organizers: GSCN, bbb e.V., Paul Ehrlich Institut (PEI), the German ZLG, Health Capital - Cluster Healthcare Industries Berlin Brandenburg & Berlin Partner Whether in the fields of regenerative medicine, cell or gene therapy – driven by remarkable research […]
Whether a licensing, outsourcing, advisory, partnership, supply or sales contract, that first big contract can be make or break a start-up. Entrepreneurs at the beginning of their journeys usually have less experience than their counterparties. As a litigator, I see all the worst case scenarios. This webinar will focus on practical tips to get you […]
Immer häufiger fragen Investoren Unternehmenspläne in Folienform an. Was nach weniger Arbeit klingt als einen kompletten Businessplan zu schreiben, hat seine eigenen Herausforderungen. Im Webinar wird gezeigt, wie man ein investorenreifes Read-Deck erstellt, das keine Fragen offenlässt. Referent: Tobias Kirchhoff, BCNP Consultants GmbH Password: ap
Speaker: Prof. Michael Bachmann | TU Dresden & National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden Location: Fraunhofer IZI, Perlickstr. 1, Leipzig (Conference area ground floor) Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for personal exchange and networking.
Hosted by Dresden’s Biopolis early career programs under the umbrella of the Dresden School of Clinical Science (DSCS) Speaker: tba MITS (H92), Seminar room
Speaker: Daniel G. Anderson, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, MIT, USA Zoom ID: 965 1169 9121
1. Parlamentarischer Abend-4 Event was originally scheduled for 29 November 2023.
Host: ecSeq
Lecturer: Steve Hawthorn, Canopy EMEA Sales Manager Zoom Link: https://tu-dresden.zoom-x.de/j/63946594115?pwd=QzYzcUcycU9adG9kdE10aU5EbmVSUT09 Meeting-ID: 639 4659 4115 Kenncode: G?cr4r*4
The meeting will be focusing on questions regarding the financial part of the application. PTJ will answer our questions. --- https://tu-dresden.zoom-x.de/j/67292474280?pwd=YWhNVVhFR3NUa2FBaVltaUJuSHQrQT09 Meeting-ID: 672 9247 4280 Kenncode: #8=^Ra0k
Lecturer: Konrad Sell Location: Medizinische Fakultät/Universität Leipzig, Haus J - MBZ (Erdgeschoß, Johannisallee 30, 04103 Leipzig) in seminar room B030.2
Investorentreffen/Speeddating Location: Sächsischen Staatskanzlei in Berlin
Lecturer: Konrad Sell Location: BioInnovationsZentrum (Tatzberg 47, 01307 Dresden), seminar room no 3 at the 5th floor
Location: Fraunhofer IZI, Perlickstr. 1 (Konferenzbereich EG) Lecturer: Dr. Anna Heide, Patentanwältin, RUHR-IP Patentanwälte Free of charge. No registration required.
For partnering and investment Location: Hilton Zurich Airport Hotel
"Nucleic acid therapeutics: genetic indications and beyond" TranslaTUM, München
With SaxoCell participation! Watch out for more details.
Host: HGF in cooperation with BVIZ
Location: Technische Sammlungen Dresden With SaxoCell participation
Part of the exhibition „Zukünftige Technologien - Science Fiction oder Wirklichkeit?“ Location: Kulturpalast Dresden
Host: Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden (Zentrum für feto/neonatale Gesundheit)
Host: Charles River