GSCN Workshop on ATMPs „The Product is the Process – Is it?“

Manufacturing and Translation of ATMPs and Tissue- & Cell-based products Venue: Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB), Potsdam Organizers: GSCN, bbb e.V., Paul Ehrlich Institut (PEI), the German ZLG, Health Capital - Cluster Healthcare Industries Berlin Brandenburg & Berlin Partner Whether in the fields of regenerative medicine, cell or gene therapy – driven by remarkable research […]

Science4Life Online-Seminar: Newbie contracting mistakes you want to avoid (engl.)


Whether a licensing, outsourcing, advisory, partnership, supply or sales contract, that first big contract can be make or break a start-up. Entrepreneurs at the beginning of their journeys usually have less experience than their counterparties. As a litigator, I see all the worst case scenarios. This webinar will focus on practical tips to get you […]

Science4Life Online-Seminar: Wie man mit einem Read Deck überzeugt!


Immer häufiger fragen Investoren Unternehmenspläne in Folienform an. Was nach weniger Arbeit klingt als einen kompletten Businessplan zu schreiben, hat seine eigenen Herausforderungen. Im Webinar wird gezeigt, wie man ein investorenreifes Read-Deck erstellt, das keine Fragen offenlässt. Referent: Tobias Kirchhoff, BCNP Consultants GmbH Password: ap

Gated Targeting: A long way from the Idea to functionality

Leipzig, Germany

Speaker: Prof. Michael Bachmann | TU Dresden & National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden Location: Fraunhofer IZI, Perlickstr. 1, Leipzig (Conference area ground floor) Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for personal exchange and networking.

Online meeting with PTJ (for applicants in phase 2)


The meeting will be focusing on questions regarding the financial part of the application. PTJ will answer our questions. --- Meeting-ID: 672 9247 4280 Kenncode: #8=^Ra0k


Leipzig, Germany

With SaxoCell participation! Watch out for more details.

Flow Cytometry Workshop


Host: Fraunhofer IZI Advanced Analytics Technology Platform Agenda: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Lecture „Flow Cytometry Basics“ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch break 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Short presentations: Introduction CytoFLEX flow cytometer, Infinicyte Software and Kaluza Software 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Q&A, Discussion Teams Besprechungs-ID: 394 486 196 456 Passcode: kN8ZjH […]

Schutz von Innovationen in einer sich schnell wandelnden Welt

Dresden, Germany

Host: Patentinformationszentrum (PIZ) Dresden (TUD|excite) Location: Open Science Lab 2, SLUB, Zellescher Weg 25, 01217 Dresden, 1. Etage Agenda: 13:00 - 13:15 Uhr: Begrüßungswort 13:15 - 14:00 Uhr: IP-Strategie im Unternehmen Wie können wir die Mittel des Gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes zum Erfolg unseres Unternehmens einsetzen? Peter Adler, Patentanwalt, Kanzlei LIPPERT STACHOW Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB 14:00 […]

SaxoCell Pitch-Training

Dresden, Germany

In preparation of SaxoCell Retreat 2024 May 2: in presence in Dresden (CRTD) May 3: online from 9 AM to 5 PM

SaxoCell Patientennachmittag

Leipzig, Germany

Lebende Arzneimittel: Ein Nachmittag für Blutkrebspatienten in Leipzig Location: Medizinisches Forschungszentrum, Hörsaal C, Liebigstr. 21, 04104 Leipzig

SaxoCell Jury Site Inspection

Dresden, Germany

Location: CRTD, Fetscherstraße 105, 01307 Dresden With representatives from BMBF and PTJ

Lunch Meeting „Dextramer® Technologies: Advancing Immune Cell Analysis and Beyond“


Presenter: Valérie Bodemeyer (PhD and Technical Application Manager Immudex) and Mohammad Salem (PhD and Senior Pharma Business & Solution Manager Immudex) This webinar will explore how Dextramer® technology can support the development of more potent and effective cell-based therapies. Discussion topics: - Introduction to Dextramer® technology and its application in immune cell detection and characterization […]

Miltenyi seminar series “From target validation to clinical application” – Ultra High Content Imaging with the MACSimaTM Platform

Dresden, Germany

Live in Dresden & via MS Teams Location: Seminar room 1 at MTZ/Haus 91 (Fiedlerstraße 42, 01307 Dresden) Identification and validation of molecular targets build the basis for each targeted cellular therapy. In our first seminar we will talk about the potential of Spatial Biology for target identification and validation as well as possibilities for […]

BERD Data Marketplace: Fostering Academia-Industry Collaboration


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl (Speaker of BERD@NFDI) About the talk: In the era of data-driven decision making and data monetization, the Business, Economic and Related Data (BERD) initiative at NFDI has established an innovative Data Marketplace to facilitate collaborations between academic researchers and industry. This platform serves needs of both sides for sharing and […]

Retreat 2024

Chemnitz, Germany

Location: Congress Hotel Chemnitz Deadline for registration: 21 May 2024

Alternatives to Animal Testing 2024

Hanover, Germany

In cooperation with Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Immune-Mediated Diseases CIMD Location: CRC Hannover - Clinical Research Center Hannover Workshop language: English

Der Goldhamster als Versuchstier

Leipzig, Germany

Speaker: Dr. Stefanie Perl Location: Fraunhofer IZI Leipzig (room Dresden) About the lecture: With the corona pandemic and the associated research, hamsters have gained enormously in importance in a scientific context. However, due to their biological and physiological characteristics, breeding and keeping these small rodents in research facilities is associated with a number of challenges. […]

Long Night of Science Dresden 2024

Dresden, Germany

Find SaxoCell on the ground floor at the bottom of the staircase! Like last year, we will be offering our immune cell quiz and fishing game. And as always we look forward to interesting discussions.