Lunch Meeting „Dextramer® Technologies: Advancing Immune Cell Analysis and Beyond“


Presenter: Valérie Bodemeyer (PhD and Technical Application Manager Immudex) and Mohammad Salem (PhD and Senior Pharma Business & Solution Manager Immudex) This webinar will explore how Dextramer® technology can support the development of more potent and effective cell-based therapies. Discussion topics: - Introduction to Dextramer® technology and its application in immune cell detection and characterization […]

Miltenyi seminar series “From target validation to clinical application” – Ultra High Content Imaging with the MACSimaTM Platform

Dresden, Germany

Live in Dresden & via MS Teams Location: Seminar room 1 at MTZ/Haus 91 (Fiedlerstraße 42, 01307 Dresden) Identification and validation of molecular targets build the basis for each targeted cellular therapy. In our first seminar we will talk about the potential of Spatial Biology for target identification and validation as well as possibilities for […]

BERD Data Marketplace: Fostering Academia-Industry Collaboration


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl (Speaker of BERD@NFDI) About the talk: In the era of data-driven decision making and data monetization, the Business, Economic and Related Data (BERD) initiative at NFDI has established an innovative Data Marketplace to facilitate collaborations between academic researchers and industry. This platform serves needs of both sides for sharing and […]

Retreat 2024

Chemnitz, Germany

Location: Congress Hotel Chemnitz Deadline for registration: 21 May 2024

Alternatives to Animal Testing 2024

Hanover, Germany

In cooperation with Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Immune-Mediated Diseases CIMD Location: CRC Hannover - Clinical Research Center Hannover Workshop language: English

Der Goldhamster als Versuchstier

Leipzig, Germany

Speaker: Dr. Stefanie Perl Location: Fraunhofer IZI Leipzig (room Dresden) About the lecture: With the corona pandemic and the associated research, hamsters have gained enormously in importance in a scientific context. However, due to their biological and physiological characteristics, breeding and keeping these small rodents in research facilities is associated with a number of challenges. […]

Long Night of Science Dresden 2024

Dresden, Germany

Find SaxoCell on the ground floor at the bottom of the staircase! Like last year, we will be offering our immune cell quiz and fishing game. And as always we look forward to interesting discussions.

Miltenyi seminar series “From target validation to clinical application” – Engineered T Cells: Rue to GMP

Leipzig, Germany

Live in Leipzig & via MS Teams Location: tba Identification and validation of molecular targets build the basis for each targeted cellular therapy. In our first seminar we will talk about the potential of Spatial Biology for target identification and validation as well as possibilities for patient stratification using the MACSima Platform. The talks will […]

Tagesspiegel Fachforum Gesundheitswirtschaft


Topic: Land, Bund, Leuchtturm: Wie gelingt der Umschwung in der Gesundheitswirtschaft? Location: Verlagshaus am Askanischen Platz in Berlin or live stream Registration required!

Tissue networks of macrophages in skin during wound healing

Leipzig, Germany

Colloquium of the Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics Lecturer: Sandra Franz Location: Leipzig University Hospital, House 4 (Room Justus von Liebig)

MS-Tag 2024

Dresden, Germany


SaxoCell Compliance Workshop


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kark (compliance consultancy Prof. Dr. Andreas Kark) Zoom link will be provided.

Miltenyi seminar series “From target validation to clinical application” – (Allogenic) CAR NK Cells: From Bench to Bedside

Leipzig, Germany

Live in Leipzig & via MS Teams Location: Fraunhofer IZI Identification and validation of molecular targets build the basis for each targeted cellular therapy. In our first seminar we will talk about the potential of Spatial Biology for target identification and validation as well as possibilities for patient stratification using the MACSima Platform. The talks […]

Cytiva User Day @ Fraunhofer IZI

Leipzig, Germany

Location: Fraunhofer IZI The spotlight will be on adeno-associated virus (AAV) and protein production and equipment: ÄKTA™ systems plus imaging and Biacore™ systems. Engage in scientific presentations, hands-on sessions with Cytiva equipment, and take the opportunity to take a tour through the institute.

Dornburg Cancer Talks

Forum for young scientists in the field of oncology Dornburg Cancer Talks is a joint scientific meeting of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Central Germany and the Institute of Molecular Cell Biology addressing doctoral fellows and early postdocs from the field of oncology to present their projects in oral communications or as posters. Discussions with other […]

Informationstag Krebs

Leipzig, Germany

Hybrid Location: Uniklinik Leipzig, Hörsaal Haus 4

Cross clustering event with Proxidrugs

Erfurt, Germany

Strategic exchange with Clusters4Future Proxidrugs on innovative therapies for human diseases: Targeted degradation as a new mode of action for drugs Participants: SaxoCell speakers and Hub representatives

Lumicks Lunch Meeting


In a live webinar on “Cell Avidity: Understanding the mechanism of action through cell-cell binding”! Rogier Reijmers (Principal Scientist) will show you how cell avidity measurements are essential to understand cellular mechanisms. To get the dial-in link, please register!

SaxoCell IP-Workshop

Dresden, Germany

Location: Zellescher Weg 21, 01217 Dresden Day 1 - 16/09/2024, start: 9 am, end: 5 pm Introduction to the topic of "Industrial property rights" (focus on technical property rights, especially patents) - From scientific manuscript to patent: structure of a patent specification, creation/construction of a patent specification (classification, generic term, organisation of claims, etc.); delimitation […]

3. Erfahrungsaustausch der BMBF-Zukunftscluster

Munich, Germany

1st day: CNATM - LMU München CNATM @ LMU, Institut für Chemische Epigenetik – ICEM, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Würmtalstr. 201, 81377 München 2nd day: MCube - TU München Münchner Cluster für die Zukunft der Mobilität in Metropolregionen (MCube), Vorhoelzer Forum, TUM, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 München SaxoCell representatives: Stefanie Binder Frank Buchholz Maren Henneken Ulrike Köhl

Talk „Medical Data Science: Trends and Perspectives“


Speaker: Dr. Holger Hennig (Head of Innovation Area Medical Data Science at Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP) Location: Frauinhofer IZI, Perlickstraße 1, 04103 Leipzig (Room Deutschland/Sachsen, Leipzig) Conference 2024

Prague, Czech Republic

Biotech conference for start-ups, pharma and diagnostic companies, investors, researchers, and other biotech experts from Central Europe.

Geschäftsanbahnungsreise Österreich Life Sciences

Vienna, Austria

Business initiation trip to Austria organised by Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen SaxoCell projects are invited to participate! Deadline for registration: 6 May 2024

Shaping the future of medicine

Leipzig, Germany

Global experts, seasoned physicians and next-gen talent discuss digital medicine and the integration of AI into oncology.

SaxoCell Post-Lunch Meeting with Scale Ready


Don't miss our next SaxoCell Cluster Lunch Meeting - this time with ScaleReady! Andrew Scheffler (G-Rex Optimization Specialist) will give a webinar on the “Benefits of G-Rex® for development and manufacturing of cell and gene-modified cell therapies compared to “All-in-one” bioreactors”! Topics: 1. The value of continuity in development of cell and gene-modified cell therapies. […]

A computational perspective on disease and treatment dynamics in hematopoiesis

Host: Kristin Reiche Speaker: Prof. Glauche, Deputy Institute Director of the IMB (Dresden) Quantification and modeling of clonal dynamics in hematopoiesis provide mechanistic insights into how blood development is organized and potentially disturbed in disease situations. There is a range of quantitative methods to generate and analyze clonal data in experimental and clinical settings, and […]

Finance Days 2024 – Life Science

Leipzig, Germany

Going Public Finance Day Location: Bio City Leipzig The Finance Day has been dedicated to start-up, growth and capital market financing in the life sciences sector for 18 years. For the first time in Leipzig! SaxoCell will be represented by Prof. Köhl and start-ups from the cluster.

LION 2024

Leipzig, Germany

Leipzig Immune ONcology (LION) Conference Poster session with prizes!

Tagesspiegel — Future Medicine Innovation Days 2024

Berlin, Germany

On November 13 and 14, 2024, the Future Medicine Innovation Days will continue the success story of the Science Matches. Secure your free ticket now for the annual scientific conference hosted by the Tagesspiegel and experience inspiring lectures and innovative ideas. We are especially pleased that German Health Minister Prof. Karl Lauterbach has confirmed a […]

Workshop „Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy and Vaccination“

Leipzig, Germany

Organiser: Society of Virology (GFV) Venue: Villa Tillmanns, Wächterstraße 30, 04107 Leipzig Deadline for registration: 30 September 2024 The meeting aims to stimulate the exchange between young scientists and renowned experts covering the whole spectrum from basic research to clinical application and regulatory perspectives. Hosted by Christine Engeland and Keynote talk by Ulrike Köhl.

8. Life Science Forum Sachsen: Präzisionsmedizin – von Diagnostik bis Therapie

Leipzig, Germany

SaxoCell is official partner of the next Saxonian Life Sciences Forum. There will be talks and pitches, an exhibition, tours and lots of networking time. Location: Bio City Leipzig This year's topic is precision medicine, with current developments, strategic approaches and visions presented and insights into existing Saxon expertise provided.