MPS User Days – Microsystems for physiological cell culture

Dresden, Germany

Veranstalter: Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik IWS Winterbergstraße 28, 01277 Dresden Contact: Annekathrin Mäurer Tel. +49 351 83391-3332

Think Tank Nano2030


Meeting of the German Platform 'NanoBioMedicine'

Lecture by Prof. Zoltan Ivics (Paul Ehrlich Institute)

Leipzig, Germany

Title: Moving forward with Sleeping Beauty transposon-based non-viral engineering of therapeutic human cells At Fraunhofer IZI: -- Microsoft Teams-Besprechung Nehmen Sie auf dem Computer, in der mobilen App oder im Raumgerät teil Hier klicken, um an der Besprechung teilzunehmen: Besprechungs-ID: 353 895 695 544 Passcode: hXupUB Mit einem Videokonferenzgerät teilnehmen: Videokonferenz-ID: 124 […]

YOU ASK we explain

Dresden, Germany

Episode 3: „Alles eine Frage der Gene. Die Chance auf grenzenlose Möglichkeiten?“ Location: Dt. Hygienemuseum Dresden, in der Ausstellung „Der Mensch“ (letzter Raum) Host: Podcast-Team „You ask we explain“ of the Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden Presentation: Konstantin Willkommen Experts: - Prof. Dr. Frank Buchholz - Professor for the Department of Medical […]

DSCS CAMINO program „MEET-the-EXPERT“ seminar

Dresden, Germany

3-4 pm Study biological complexity with microwell-based single-cell multiomics by using the BD Rhapsody system Ray van Haaren, MSc., BD Life Sciences 4 pm Coffee break 4:15-5 pm Application of single-cell multiomics in leukemia Bernd Zeisig, Kings College London Hybrid event: UKD House 66, 3rd floor conference room and Zoom

Seven Thoughts on Health Care Entrepreneurship


Lecturer: Andreas Schmidt (Singleron) In this talk Andreas will share personal insights from the perspective of an entrepreneur, chat about career decisions in biotech as well as offer a view behind the curtains of venture capital funding and pharma partnering. This will be an interactive sessions with questions and discussions very welcome. Dr Andreas Schmidt […]

YOU ASK we explain

Dresden, Germany

Episode 4: „Helden der Forschung oder Versuchskaninchen?“ Location: Dt. Hygienemuseum Dresden, in der Ausstellung „Der Mensch“ (letzter Raum) Host: Podcast-Team „You ask we explain“ of the Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden Presentation: Lino Möhrmann und Leonie Imberger Experts: - Prof. Dr. med. Martin Bornhäuser – Chefarzt und Klinikdirektor MK1 am Universitätsklinikum Dresden […]

Digitization of Cell and Gene Therapy Processes


Lecturer: Judith Koliwer (Körber Pharma Software) The market for Cell and Gene Therapy is growing with an incredible speed and with the rising complexity a lot of data questions emerge. How can we cope with the huge amount of data and detailed documentation? Judith Koliwer will speak on the specific challenges in CGT data management […]

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Project Management Invited experts: - Carolin Bauder, M.Sc., Program Manager, Vodafone Chair for Mobile Communications Systems, Technische Universität Dresden - Dr. Susanne Hintschich, Scientific Advisor, Electronic and Microsystems, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH - Dr. Julia Osten, Business Research Manager, Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems […]

Of Genes and Human Beings Who Are We, and Who Might We Become?

Dresden, Germany

Location: Deutsches Hygienemuseum Dresden Guests: Nina Alexander Frank Buchholz Toni Heitkam Anna Hundsdörfer Wieland Huttner Min Ae Lee-Kirsch Martin Päckert Evelin Schröck Michael Sieweke Doreen William Hosts: Dr. Uta Bilow and Prof. Dr. Clemens Kirschbaum (TUD)

Oncolytic viral vector vaccines for targeted cancer immunotherapy

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. Christine E. Engeland | Chair of Experimental Virology, University Witten/Herdecke Location: Seminar area ground floor, Fraunhofer IZI Leipzig or MS Teams, registration is not required Besprechungs-ID: 358 220 751 96 Passcode: cVxyQA

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Postdoc and graduate programs (Master/PhD/Postdocs) Invited experts: - Dr.-Ing. Anna Martius, Managing Director, Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group, Technische Universität Dresden - Dr.-Ing. Shikha Ranjha, Scientific Coordinator, Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS) - Dr. Katharina Ulbrich, Systemic Coach and Mediator, Graduate Academy, Technische Universität Dresden Location: […]

SaxoCell spark meeting on animal models


Animal model task force Agenda: Introduction and chair by Dr. Thomas Grunwald, Fraunhofer IZI Leipzig "Mouse models for the preclinical validation of immune therapies" Dr. André-René Blaudszun, Fraunhofer IZI Leipzig "Absence and/or induction of GvHD in mouse models" Thursday, 11th May 2023, 1 – 3 PM via Zoom: Meeting-ID: 613 2699 1429 Kenncode: 77pD+8rg

Bionnale 2023

Berlin, Germany

Networking event for life sciences and healthcare industries including session/workshop on the national strategy for gene and cell therapy on May 16th, from 11 AM to 1 PM (hybrid)

Webinar „Importance of data integration and data management in Cell and Gene Therapies“


Host: Martin Bornhäuser Lecturer: Raja Sharif, Hataali / ATMPS Ltd Raja Sharif, Founder and CEO of ATMPS Ltd, driving the company’s vision and mission to increase the availability of life saving cell and gene therapies worldwide. Hataali is a patented, blockchain based, tech platform, providing a full chain of custody, identity and condition data. Raja […]

What is Cytek® Spectral Flow Cytometry and why shall I use it?


Host: Cytek In this seminar you will discover how Cytek’s Full Spectrum Profiling enables researchers to build multi-colour panels with ease, and how autofluorescence can be removed or used as a characteristic signal. The seminar will be held by Dr.rer.nat. Jesús Gil-Pulido who was a running a Flow Cytometry Core Facility at the Institute of […]

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Advisor/ Special consultant Invited experts: - Dr. Reingard Jäger, Acting Advisor to the Rector, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (University of Applied Sciences) - Dr. Claudia Müller, Advisor to the Vice-Rector University Culture, Technische Universität Dresden - Dr. Ann-Kathrin Schatz, Head Board Office, Helmholtz-Zentrum […]

Evaluation of flow cytometry data with FlowJo


Host: BD Biosciences Topics: - Evaluation of flow cytometry data using FlowJo - Lecture on design of experiments/acquisition of flow cytometry data with Q&A part -> Important: this is not a FlowJo training, but a presentation of how to use FlowJo for evaluation Location: Fraunhofer IZI Leipzig, Seminar room “Dresden" Online via MS Teams: Hier […]

MEET-the-EXPERT Seminar on single-cell technology using the MissionBio System

Dresden, Germany

Hybrid event Location: Universitätsklinikum Dresden, House 66, 3rd floor conference room and via Zoom 3:30 - 4:15 pm Single Cell Proteogenomics to Advance Precision Medicine Simone Formisano, Technical Application Liaison at Mission Bio 4:45 - 5:30 pm Monitoring of Leukemia Clones in B-cell ALL at Diagnosis and During Treatment by Single-cell DNA Amplicon Sequencing Sarah […]

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Diversity Invited experts: - Dr. Sylvi Bianchin, Referee Diversity Management, Directorate 9 University Culture, Unit 9.3 Diversity Management, Technische Universität Dresden - Dr. Katrin Daniel, Experimental Projects Coordinator, Equal Opportunities Officer, Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB), Technische Universität Dresden - Dr. Ina Partzsch, […]

ASGCT – Spotlight on Immuno-Oncology

Seattle, USA

2nd August: Beyond T Cells - Minicircles & Transposon for T Cell Production Speaker: Michael Hudecek, MD, University Hospital Wurzburg